The Club That Roared
This is the captivating story of the Camrea Cricket Club and their tumultuous journey between 2016 and 2024, years marked by controversy, adversity, and ultimately, triumph.
It is a story that had to be told, for it is a testament to the power of perseverance and the unwavering determination of a group of individuals to retain their club name, and reclaim its rightful place in history.
For the Camrea Cricket Club, survival became not just a goal, but a battle against an associations intent on seeing it fall.
Join us as we uncover the extraordinary story of how a community rallied together to fight for the survival of their beloved club.

by Chris Sismanes

For my wife, Carmela.
For her enduring support throughout my life and career with the
Camrea Cricket Club.
None of it would have been possible without you.
Table of contents
  • Introduction
In the annals of sporting history, there are tales of triumph and tales of adversity, stories of teams rising to glory against all odds and narratives of struggles against formidable adversaries.
And amidst this tapestry of sporting lore, there exists a story that transcends the boundaries of mere competition—a story of resilience, unity, and the unbreakable spirit of a community united by a shared passion for the game.
This is the story of the Camrea Cricket Club.
As the season dawned and the Camrea Cricket Club (Camrea) prepared to take to the field once more, there was a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement in the air. After years of toiling in the lower grades of the NMCA competition (North Metro Cricket Association), the club had set their sights on reaching the pinnacle of success—the A Grade Premiership. But little did they know the challenges that lay ahead, and the obstacles they would have to overcome to achieve their goals.
From the outset, the club found themselves embroiled in controversy and conflict with the NMCA —a governing body that seemed determined to thwart their ambitions at every turn. Accusations of misconduct, rumors of impropriety, and innuendo filled the air, casting a shadow of doubt over the club's reputation and integrity. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the members remained steadfast in their resolve, refusing to be cowed by the machinations of their adversaries.
Danny Pougios John Valiotis
Led by club legend and President, Danny Pougios, and Secretary John Valiotis, and supported by a cast of dedicated players and officials, the club embarked on a quest to reclaim their rightful place in history. With each week that passed, they faced new challenges and obstacles, but with each victory, they grew stronger and more determined to defy the odds stacked against them.
But perhaps the greatest challenge of all came in the form of a decision by the NMCA to de-register the club from the competition, and impose a fine of $5,000 in the aftermath of the 2022/2023 B Grade Grand Final.
The decision without due process stood as a glaring example of injustice within the realm of sports governance. Stripping a team of its right to play, without affording them a fair hearing or providing concrete evidence of wrongdoing, undermines the very principles of justice and fairness that should govern any disciplinary action.
In the case of Camrea, the decision to de-register them appeared arbitrary and devoid of transparency. Without a formal hearing or the opportunity to present their case, it was left in a state of limbo, unable to defend themselves against allegations or rectify any potential misunderstandings.
Cricket, like any sport, relies on a foundation of integrity and fair play. Expelling a club without due process not only tarnishes the reputation of the sport but also erodes the trust between governing bodies and the teams they oversee. It sets a dangerous precedent where decisions can be made without accountability or oversight, leading to a breakdown in the very fabric of the sport.
Furthermore, the absence of a tribunal or independent review mechanism exacerbates the injustice faced by the club. Without impartial adjudication, there is no avenue for the club to seek recourse or challenge the validity of the suspension.
The lack of a real basis for the de-registration only compounds the injustice. Without clear evidence or justification, the decision appeared arbitrary and capricious, leaving the club and its supporters bewildered and aggrieved—a decision that threatened to derail their season and consign them to the annals of obscurity.
Faced with this seemingly insurmountable obstacle, the members refused to back down, launching a campaign to overturn the unjust ruling and restore their place in the competition.
And so began a battle that would test the resolve of the club to its very core. With the support of their loyal members and the tireless efforts of their dedicated officials, the Camrea family took their fight all the way to the courts, determined to reclaim their rightful place in the cricketing landscape.
The Camrea Family (2018)
What's in a Name? Everything
Chapter 1
In the heart of suburban Melbourne, nestled amidst the quiet streets and bustling community life, stood a cricket club steeped in tradition and history. Camrea Cricket Club, its name whispered with reverence among those who knew its storied past, had long been a beacon of camaraderie and sporting excellence. But like any institution, it had faced its share of trials and tribulations.
The year was 2016, and the club found itself at a crossroads, ensnared in a merger that had lasted far longer than anticipated. For twelve years, it had existed under the banner of Camrea Taipans Cricket Club, a union that was full of promise and hope with the beleaguered Thomastown Cricket Club.
And at first that promise of hope was being fulfilled. The first 5 years of the merger saw unparalleled success, with the club winning 11 premierships, including two NMCA A Grade premierships, and a DVCA Money Shield premiership. But what had initially seemed like a pragmatic move to bolster resources and strengthen the club's prospects was starting to evolve into something far more contentious.
As the seasons passed and the years wore on, whispers began to circulate among the club's elder statesmen and revered life members whose commitment to Camrea ran deep. Rumors of dissent and discord within the ranks of the Camrea Taipans Cricket Club reached their ears, hinting at a plot to erase the cherished name 'Camrea' from the club's identity altogether.
It was a revelation that struck at the very core of what Camrea stood for – a community united in their love for the game and bound by the shared heritage of generations past.
For this group of custodians, and many others, the thought of relinquishing that legacy was simply unthinkable.
The newest version of the club emblem (2016) was re-designed and updated by Graphics Unlimited. Owned and operated by Barry Williams, former President. The creator of the original emblem design with the words - 'Camrea Cricket & Social Club' is unknown)
The club's mascot, the 'Stingray', is only relatively new, having being adopted back in the late 70's to early 80's. The actual logo design was first released back in 1988 by the committee in consultation with designers from Graphics Unlimited. The newest, and current version of the club logo released back in 2016 was re-designed and updated by James Sismanes (former member)
Listen to the Camrea Theme Song (with a bit of a rock twist 😀)
We Can't Let This Happen
Chapter 2
In the quiet of a winter's night in 2016, the ringing of a phone shattered the stillness. Nuccio Amoddio's urgent voice crackled through the line, delivering news that sent a chill down Chris Sismanes' spine. The Camrea Taipans Cricket Club executives were allegedly plotting to erase the cherished name 'Camrea' from the club, a move that would spell the end of their beloved institution.
Initially reluctant to enter the fray, Chris hesitated, his days as an administrator seemingly behind him. But Nuccio's impassioned plea struck a chord deep within him – if they didn't unite and act, their club would cease to exist. With a heavy heart, Chris ended the call, only to be met with the unwavering support of his wife Carmela, who urged him to act and not allow their legacy to be erased.
It was in that moment that the course of history for the Camrea Cricket Club would be changed forever.
Together, Chris and Nuccio embarked on a mission to save the club, rallying a group of dedicated life members to their cause. The solution was clear – they would approach the executives of the Camrea Taipans Cricket Club and demand an end to the twelve-year merger, insisting that the name 'Camrea' be retained.
Chris Sismanes Nuccio Amoddio
But the road ahead would not be easy. Severing ties with Camrea Taipans meant leaving the strong Diamond Valley Cricket Association and re-establishing themselves in the NMCA competition. It meant starting from the bottom rung, relegated to the humble confines of D Grade. It was a decision fraught with risk and uncertainty. It meant starting anew, rebuilding from the ground up.
Yet, for those who had dedicated their lives to the club, the choice was clear.
In a show of unity and defiance, the club's members and elder statesmen voted overwhelmingly to dissolve the merger and reclaim their name, and their independence. And so, in the crisp morning air of a new season, the Camrea Cricket Club emerged once more, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the past.
And so began one of the most remarkable journeys in the history of the club. With unwavering determination and boundless passion, Chris, Nuccio, and their fellow life members poured their hearts and souls into resurrecting their club from the ashes.
It was a journey fraught with challenges and obstacles, but with each hurdle they overcame, their resolve only grew stronger. From securing a new ground to recruiting players and supporters, every step forward was a testament to their unwavering commitment to the cause.
For them, it was never about the trophies or the accolades. It was about preserving a legacy, honoring the sacrifices of those who had come before them, and passing on a tradition that stretched back decades.
And so, with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Camrea embarked on their journey of redemption. A call to arms went out to the faithful members and supporters, a clarion call to stand united in the face of adversity.
In the annals of its history, this is a chapter that would forever be etched in the collective memory of its faithful members – a chapter that spoke not only of resilience and determination but also of the remarkable power of community and camaraderie. It was a rallying cry that sparked an unprecedented outpouring of support and solidarity, culminating in one of the most unforgettable nights the club had ever witnessed.
A Call to Arms
Chapter 3
As the dawn of a new season approached, whispers of excitement and anticipation echoed through the halls of the club. Yet, beneath the surface, there lingered a sense of apprehension. The club, like so many others, faced the daunting task of preparing for the rigors of another cricket season – a task made more challenging by the financial burdens and logistical hurdles that often accompanied it.
With a resolute spirit and unwavering determination, the Camrea faithful answered the call to arms with an outpouring of generosity that defied all expectations. From far and wide, donations of every kind poured in – from financial contributions to equipment and supplies, no gesture was too small.
But it wasn't just the tangible offerings that made this response so remarkable – it was the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship that infused every act of kindness and generosity.
And so, with the support of their faithful members behind them, the club set about preparing for what would become one of its most memorable nights ever. Invitations were sent out to all current and past players to join them for the night now famously known as - WELCOME BACK TO CAMREA - GALA EVENING. Spirits were high as anticipation mounted for what promised to be a truly special occasion.
Henry Placek, Alan Fisher, & Chris Short
As the sun began to set on the eve of the new season, the club buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Members, old and new, gathered for the special event – a celebration of the indomitable spirit that had brought them all together. Laughter filled the air, stories were shared, and bonds were strengthened as they reflected on the journey that had brought them to this moment.
With a sense of reverence and gratitude, club officials took to the stage to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who had contributed to the club's success. And then, as if by magic, the night came alive with video highlights, laughter, and celebration.
Watching past video highlights
Peter Korilis & Bobi Nikolovski Robert Shearer and Ray Arnel
Danny Pougios, Nuccio Amoddio, & Tommy Trantino Mark & Ron Marsden (with Raimo in the background)
As the hours passed and the night grew late, the echoes of that unforgettable evening lingered long after the festivities had drawn to a close. For in that moment, the true essence of Camrea had been laid bare for all to see – a community united in their love for the game, bound together by the bonds of friendship and shared purpose.
And as they looked towards the horizon, towards a future filled with promise and possibility, they knew that the story of their beloved club was far from over.
The Camrea Cricket Club was back. Bigger and better than ever before.
And so it Begins
Chapter 4
At the helm of the revival stood a dedicated and visionary leadership group, both on and off the field. From the tireless efforts of the committee members to the inspiring captaincy displayed on match days, there was a palpable sense of purpose and unity that permeated every aspect of the club.
But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this resurgence was the influx of youth and new members into the fold. Drawn by the club's rich history and reputation for fostering a family-like atmosphere, young cricketers flocked to Camrea in droves, eager to be a part of something special.
Under the guidance of seasoned veterans and mentors, these young players flourished, their talent nurtured and their passion for the game ignited. With each training session and match played, bonds were forged that transcended the boundaries of age and experience.
New faces flocked to the club in 2016
Off the field, the enthusiasm and hard work of the committee members were evident in every aspect of the club's operations. From organizing social events and fundraisers to maintaining the grounds and facilities, their dedication knew no bounds. And as a result, the club enjoyed one of its greatest seasons ever, both on and off the field.
Old stalwart Mark Turnbull shares a beer with newcomers John Sismanes, Rhys Katsios, and James Warwick.
On match days, the atmosphere at the club was electric, with supporters young and old turning out in droves to cheer on their beloved team. From the raucous chants and cheers on the sidelines to the tense moments of anticipation as each ball was bowled, there was a sense of excitement and energy that infused every match with a palpable sense of drama. Whether celebrating a hard-fought victory or consoling each other in defeat, there was a bond among the players and supporters that transcended the boundaries of the game.
The 2016/2017 cricket season will forever be enshrined in the annals of the club's history as a time of unparalleled success. It was a season that saw both the 1st XI and 2nd XI teams defy the odds and reach the finals, culminating in a triumphant victory for the 1st XI as they clinched the D Grade premiership in a thrilling display of skill and determination.
From the outset, there was a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation coursing through the club as players and supporters alike prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. As the weeks turned into months, that anticipation only grew, fueled by the impressive performances and unwavering dedication of both teams on the field.
But it wasn't just on the field where Camrea shone brightest – it was off the field, too. Throughout the season, a series of incredible social events brought members together in a celebration of friendship, camaraderie, and shared love for the game.
Veterans pull on the whites to help the cause
One such event was the much-anticipated Superdraw Sunday, a day filled with excitement, laughter, and the chance to win some fantastic prizes. From raffles and auctions to games and activities for the whole family, it was a day that brought the community together in a spirit of fun and fellowship.
And then there was the annual Christmas Party, a highlight of the social calendar that brought members together to celebrate the festive season in style. With music, dancing, and delicious food and drink flowing freely, it was a night to remember as old friends reunited and new friendships were forged.
All stop and listen when club legend Gabriel Sebeh speaks
But perhaps the most cherished social tradition of all was the Thursday night selection dinners, where players and supporters gathered to enjoy a hearty meal and lively discussion ahead of the weekend's fixtures. It was a time for camaraderie and bonding, as players shared stories of triumph and defeat, strategized for the upcoming matches, and reveled in the sense of belonging that only a cricket club can provide.
And as the season ended, there was a sense of pride and accomplishment that permeated the club. For in the face of adversity and challenges, they had emerged stronger and more united than ever before. And as they looked towards the future, they did so with optimism and determination, knowing that the best was yet to come for the Camrea Cricket Club.
Santa hands out the presents as parents look on JD & 'Jars' in charge of the BBQ on Super Draw Sunday
What a Season - 2016/2017
Chapter 5
Against all odds, against the naysayers and doubters, Camrea defied expectations, rising from the ashes to claim victory once more. With each match won, with each boundary struck, they wrote a new chapter in the annals of their storied history.
And when the moment finally arrived for the 1st XI to take to the field in the D Grade grand final, the entire club stood as one, united in their support and belief. With nerves jangling and hearts pounding, they watched on as their heroes battled bravely against their opponents, refusing to be cowed by the pressure of the occasion.
And when the final ball was bowled and victory secured, the scenes of jubilation that ensued were nothing short of euphoric. Tears of joy flowed freely as players embraced one another, supporters cheered and applauded, and the triumphant chants of "Camrea, Camrea!" echoed long into the night.
For Camrea, the 2016/2017 season was more than just a collection of wins and losses – it was a testament to the power of community, friendship, and shared passion. It was a season that will be remembered fondly for years to come, a time when dreams were realized, bonds were forged, and the spirit of camaraderie reigned supreme.
For the custodians of the club, witnessing their team claim the D Grade premiership was nothing short of a triumph. It was the culmination of their unwavering dedication, the validation of their tireless efforts to save the club from extinction. With tears of pride and joy in their eyes, they stood on the sidelines, their hearts swelling with gratitude and satisfaction. For them, this victory wasn't just about cricket – it was a testament to the resilience of their community, the strength of their bonds, and the enduring spirit of the club.
For in that moment, on that special day, as the entire club watched on, and their team hoisted the D Grade premiership trophy high above their heads, they knew that they had achieved something far greater than victory on the cricket field.
They had reclaimed their identity, their pride, and their beloved club.
Victorious 2016/2017 D Grade Premiers – Players & Officials
Breaking Boundaries: Triumph of our Inaugural Women's Cricket Team
Chapter 6
The Camrea Cricket Club etched its name in the annals of NMCA history once again. The season of 2017/2018 saw the club's decision to introduce its first-ever women's cricket team into the competition as not just a step forward; but as a giant leap towards inclusivity and progress in the traditionally male-dominated realm of cricket.
Led by visionary leadership and driven by a passion for the sport, the club embarked on this historic journey with a clear goal in mind: to provide a platform for female cricketers to showcase their talent and compete at the highest level. This bold initiative was a testament to the club's commitment to equality and diversity in sports.
At the helm of this groundbreaking venture stood Grant Turnbull, a legend of the club, and a seasoned coach with a wealth of experience and expertise in nurturing talent and fostering a winning mentality. Under his guidance, the women's team underwent rigorous training sessions, honing their skills and fine-tuning their strategies in preparation for the challenges that lay ahead.
The roster boasted an array of talented players, each bringing their unique strengths and abilities to the table. Among them were standout performers like Jemma Cox and Sinna Mason, whose exceptional cricketing prowess and sheer determination set them apart on the field. Their contributions would prove instrumental in the team's remarkable journey to success.
Grant Turnbull
As the inaugural season unfolded, the club's women's team wasted no time in making their mark on the NMCA circuit. With a blend of skill, tenacity, and sheer grit, they quickly established themselves as formidable contenders, leaving a trail of victories in their wake.
The spring competition saw the women's team navigate through a series of intense matchups, overcoming formidable opponents with a blend of skillful batting, disciplined bowling, and athletic fielding. Their cohesive teamwork and unwavering resolve propelled them to the summit, clinching the spring competition premiership in a historic triumph that sent shockwaves through the NMCA.
Buoyed by their success in the spring season, the women's team set their sights on an even greater feat: capturing the summer competition premiership. With the stakes higher than ever, they rose to the occasion with characteristic grace and determination, delivering masterful performances that left spectators in awe.
Led by the inspirational leadership of Tania Radford and guided by the strategic acumen of Grant Turnbull, the women's team continued to defy expectations, dismantling opponents with clinical precision and unwavering resolve.
As the summer competition reached its climax, Camrea’s women's team found themselves on the brink of immortality, poised to achieve the unthinkable in their inaugural season.
In a thrilling final, they delivered a performance for the ages, seizing victory in a historic triumph that will be forever remembered.
Heather Bailey Premiers – Spring 2017 Lorraine Ireland Premiers – Summer 2018
Dismissed: The Association's Cold Shoulder
Chapter 7
The euphoria of victory was swiftly overshadowed by a cloud of disbelief and indignation as the women's team stood on the brink of a momentous occasion, only to be met with a disheartening display of disrespect and disregard. The NMCA women's summer cricket premiership, a crowning achievement by our girls, was treated with utter disdain at the presentations post-match, leaving a bitter taste of injustice and betrayal in its wake.
The actions would come to symbolize the club's first glimpse into a deeper undercurrent of animosity and contempt. As the pivotal moment of celebration unfolded, a conspicuous silence spoke volumes, a stark contrast to the jubilant accolades showered upon the opposition who had suffered defeat.
The deafening silence that greeted them at the presentations post-match was not merely an oversight or a momentary lapse in judgment; it was a deliberate act of erasure, a calculated snub that struck at the very core of the team's hard-fought victory. The absence of acknowledgment for their extraordinary achievement spoke volumes about entrenched biases and prejudices, laying bare the harsh reality of discrimination lurking beneath the surface.
For the members of the team, the sting of rejection cut deep, casting a shadow of doubt over the sincerity of their contributions and the value of their triumph. In a moment that should have been a celebration of unity and camaraderie, they found themselves marginalized and overlooked, relegated to the sidelines of recognition while their accomplishments were brushed aside with callous indifference.
As the ramifications of these actions reverberated throughout the club, it became painfully clear that this was not an isolated incident but rather a symptom of a deeper rift that threatened to tear at the fabric of camaraderie and mutual respect. The disdainful treatment meted out to the women's team served as a stark reminder of the challenges they faced in a society rife with prejudice and discrimination.
In hindsight, the refusal to acknowledge the women's team may well have been the harbinger of a more insidious agenda, a precursor to the tumultuous times that lay ahead. The blatant disregard for their achievements foreshadowed a pattern of behavior characterized by hostility and contempt, signaling the club's first glimpse into a turbulent future fraught with division and discord.
As the dust settled on the aftermath of the presentations post-match, the wounds inflicted by the callous indifference continued to fester, serving as a sobering reminder of the uphill battle that lay ahead. The women's team, buoyed by their resilience and unwavering resolve, refused to be silenced or sidelined, determined to rise above adversity.
As they forged ahead, undeterred by the obstacles that lay in their path, the women's team remained steadfast in their conviction that justice would prevail and that their triumphs would not be erased or forgotten.
However, darker days were ahead.
We are Under Attack
Chapter 8
The club found itself embroiled in a web of deceit and manipulation orchestrated by the NMCA, as innuendo and hearsay became the weapons of choice in a relentless campaign to discredit and undermine the club's integrity. At every turn, the club stood firm, demanding proof of the allegations leveled against them, only to be met with empty promises and baseless accusations.
The relentless onslaught of unfounded allegations took its toll on the club, sowing seeds of doubt and discord within the cricketing community. What began as a quest for justice soon descended into a nightmare of persecution and vilification, as the club found itself cast as the villain in a narrative crafted by those intent on preserving the status quo at any cost. The club became a target for harassment and intimidation, with its members subjected to relentless scrutiny and unfounded accusations.
Despite the absence of any concrete evidence to support the allegations leveled against them, the club found itself dragged into the spotlight of controversy once again during the women's grand-final against Epping in 2021. Accused of bringing the game into disrepute, the club was summoned to face charges without so much as a shred of proof to substantiate the claims made against them.
Led by John Valiotis, the club's steadfast secretary, Camrea refused to bow to the pressure, demanding that the NMCA produce evidence to support their allegations. When confronted with their inability to provide any such evidence, the NMCA was forced to back down, and no further action was taken against the club. Yet, despite the lack of evidence and the absence of any formal charges or penalties, the specter of suspicion continued to hang over the club like a dark cloud. Accusations of misconduct persisted, fueled by a relentless campaign of misinformation and fearmongering that sought to portray the club as a threat to the integrity of the sport.
As the club braced itself for the challenges that lay ahead, they knew that the road ahead would be fraught with obstacles and setbacks. But with unwavering resolve and unyielding determination, they remained undaunted in their quest for redemption, ready to confront whatever challenges the future may hold. This relentless persecution served as a harbinger of the events that would ultimately unfold on that fateful day on March 18, 2023. As tensions simmered beneath the surface, fueled by years of animosity and mistrust, the stage was set for a confrontation that would shake the very foundations of the competition.
We're Not Totally Innocent
Chapter 9
Within the NMCA, few names evoke as much admiration and controversy as the Camrea Cricket Club. Amidst the accolades and victories, the club has weathered its fair share of storms. Despite being unjustly targeted and vilified on numerous occasions, the club was not always entirely innocent. Like any institution, it had its moments of indiscretion and moral lapse.
Since the club’s re-birth back in 2016, the years that have passed have seen the club face its fair share of challenges, both on and off the pitch. From allegations of misconduct to controversies surrounding player conduct, the club found itself thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Despite the adversity, the club never shied away from acknowledging its faults.
Passion is the lifeblood of Camrea, coursing through the veins of its players and members, fueling their dedication to the sport they love. For the passionate players and members, cricket is more than just a game; it's a way of life.
But with passion comes intensity, and sometimes that intensity can spill over, leading to moments of regrettable behavior that bring the game of cricket into disrepute. In the heat of competition, tempers can flare, emotions can run high, and split-second decisions can have far-reaching consequences.
It's essential therefore to acknowledge that the Camrea Cricket Club, like many other sports clubs, was not always entirely innocent. They faced moments of indiscretion and lapses in judgment, as is inevitable in any competitive environment.
One of these occasions occurred in what was to be one of the clubs darkest days. A match against Old Ivanhoe turned into a shocking display of unsportsmanlike and violent conduct. It was a moment that left both teams and spectators shaken, tarnishing the spirit of the game.
During the match, tensions ran high as both teams fiercely battled it out on the field. However, it was what happened post match that truly marred the event. Players from Camrea, frustrated by their loss, engaged in disgraceful behavior towards the Old Ivanhoe team and officials.
Reports emerged of verbal abuse, and physical altercations, staining the reputation of Camrea and bringing shame to the sport they represented. Such actions were not only unacceptable but also stood in stark contrast to the values of respect, integrity, and fair play that the club upheld.
The NMCA swiftly took action to address the misconduct. After a thorough investigation, they handed down a significant penalty to Camrea, including fines and suspensions. The club acknowledged the severity of the situation and took full responsibility for the actions of their players.
Furthermore, the club took internal action against the instigators, demonstrating a commitment to upholding the highest standards of sportsmanship within their ranks. They imposed additional sanctions and disciplinary measures on those involved, sending a clear message that such behavior would not be tolerated within their organization.
In doing so, Camrea not only acknowledged their wrongdoing but also took proactive steps to address it, seeking to rectify the damage done and reaffirm their dedication to the principles of fair play and respect in cricket. Though the incident was regrettable, their response served as a testament to their integrity and commitment to the spirit of the game.
Within the NMCA, few clubs could claim absolute purity. The competitive nature of the sport, combined with the pressures of success, often led to moments of moral ambiguity. Camrea was not alone in this regard; they were but a reflection of the broader cricketing landscape.
Despite their imperfections, the club never shied away from accountability. When they knew they had erred, they owned up to their mistakes without hesitation. In the wake of any wrongdoing, Camrea always adhered to the decisions and penalties handed out by the cricketing association.
For the Camrea Cricket Club, having to also deal with the challenges of internal scandals were not merely blemishes on their record;
they were existential threats that threatened to unravel the very fabric of the club. Betrayals and defections by trusted members struck at the heart of the club's identity, leaving its leadership reeling and its loyal members questioning their allegiance.
And while it was impossible to predict the character of every individual who walked through their doors, the club's leadership remained steadfast in their commitment to preserving the club's ethos. They understood that one bad apple could spoil the bunch, tarnishing the club's reputation and undermining the hard work of its dedicated members.
Thus, whenever a member deviated from the standards expected by the club, whether through actions detrimental to the team or behavior unbecoming of a sportsman, swift action was taken. Regardless of a member's talent or contributions on the field, if their conduct threatened to compromise the club's integrity or put it in disrepute, they were not immune to consequences.
Removing such members was never an easy decision, but it was a necessary one to safeguard the values that the club held dear. It sent a clear message to all members that accountability and respect were non-negotiable, and that no individual was above the collective spirit of the club.
In the wake of adversity, the club emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. While the scars of past transgressions may have lingered, they served as a reminder of the club's capacity for growth and self-improvement. With each setback, the club reaffirmed its commitment to accountability and redoubled its efforts to uphold the honor of the game.

The Camrea Cricket Club will establish its reputation as the most successful cricket club within the North Metro Cricket Association based on success and exemplary sportsmanship on the field, and the highest standard of club management and player and member support off the field.
We will achieve this by:
  • Maintaining a minimum of 3 senior teams (including a one-day team), and at a very minimum, one junior team.
  • Strive to achieve the highest grade possible for each team.
  • Promote junior cricket and foster the development of young players.
  • Provide an environment which encourages personal growth, achievement and team spirit.
  • Provide the best facilities and human resources available to develop the talents and abilities of all players.
  • Ensure the long-term future of the club through proper financial management.
  • Provide a social outlet for men, women and children of all ages in a friendly, family atmosphere.
  • Encourage a sense of pride in the history and values of the club via the maintenance of contact with past and present members of the club.
  • Establish a set of procedures that future committees can use as a benchmark.
One Day Wonders
Chapter 10
The 2019/2020 season saw a time when the club was really put to the test. It found itself at a crossroads, grappling with a palpable sense of stagnation.
The winds of change, however, swept through the club with the emergence of our one-day team, spearheaded by the indomitable leadership of John Valiotis and the Mustafa brothers—Enis and Edis. Their arrival, together with a cohort of others, including club legends Danny Pougios, Nuccio Amoddio, Pino Pulcino, and Bobi Nikolovski, was more than just a shift in dynamics; it was an injection of energy, enthusiasm, and sheer happiness that breathed new life into the club.
John Valiotis, with his strategic acumen and unwavering passion, became the guiding force behind the team's resurgence. His vision extended beyond mere victories on the field; it encompassed fostering a culture of inclusivity and support where every member felt valued and empowered. And in the Mustafa brothers, he found allies whose dedication and talent were matched only by their infectious enthusiasm for the game.
As the one-day team took flight, it wasn't just about the wins on the scoreboard; it was about the sense of unity and purpose that permeated every match. Whether it was Edis's blistering batting, Enis's cunning bowling, or 'Jimmy's' athletic fielding, each player brought their unique strengths to the fore, contributing to the collective tapestry of success. But beyond individual brilliance, what truly set this team apart was their unwavering support for one another—on and off the field.
And then, on a sun-kissed Sunday afternoon on the 14th of March 2020, only days before prime minister, Scott Morrison addressed the nation on the Covid-19 epidemic, the one-day team etched their names into the annals of club history. With a dominant display against Cameron CC, they clinched victory in the one-day competition—a triumph that reverberated far beyond the confines of the cricket ground.
Winning the one-day competition may not have carried the same prestige as an A, or even B Grade premiership. Yet for Camrea, it was a moment of pure elation and vindication. It was a reaffirmation of the values that define them—a celebration of unity, resilience, and the unshakeable bond of family. And as they hoisted the trophy aloft amidst jubilant cheers and tearful embraces, they knew that this victory was about more than just cricket.
Looking back on that unforgettable season, it's clear that the emergence of Camrea's one-day team was a turning point in the history of our club. Their passion, dedication, and unwavering belief in the power of teamwork breathed new life into our collective spirit, reminding us that, at the end of the day, we are not just players—we are one big family, bound together by a love for the game and for each other. And as we continue our journey forward, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the joy, the camaraderie, and the unforgettable memories that cricket, in all its glory, has bestowed upon us.
That Fateful Day - Saturday, March 18 2023
Chapter 11
The 2022/2023 season was nothing short of extraordinary for the club, marking the culmination of a remarkable journey that began seven years earlier with a bold decision to re-enter the NMCA competition. As the club stood on the cusp of history, poised to compete in the B Grade grand final, the significance of their achievements reverberated throughout the competition, a testament to the unwavering dedication and resilience of its custodians.
Since its re-entry into the NMCA competition in 2016, Camrea had embarked on a gradual ascent through the ranks, defying the odds and surpassing expectations at every turn. What started as a modest endeavor had blossomed into a powerhouse of cricketing excellence, driven by a shared vision of success and a relentless pursuit of excellence.
As the B Grade grand final loomed on the horizon, the stakes were higher than ever, with the prospect of promotion to A Grade tantalizingly within reach. For the custodians of the club, who had worked tirelessly to nurture and cultivate its growth, the opportunity to compete on the highest stage was the realization of a dream years in the making.
For the players, it was a chance to etch their names in the annals of the clubs history, to leave a lasting legacy that would endure for generations to come. From the seasoned veterans to the rising stars, each member of the team understood the magnitude of the moment and was determined to seize the opportunity with both hands.
As the B Grade grand final unfolded, the team delivered a masterful performance that left spectators and opponents in awe. With skillful batting, disciplined bowling, and athletic fielding, they dominated their adversaries from start to finish, leaving no doubt as to their rightful place at the pinnacle of the sport.
When the final wicket fell and victory was secured, the scenes of jubilation that ensued were a testament to the club's unwavering spirit and indomitable will. For the custodians of the club, who had worked so tirelessly to build a legacy of excellence, it was a moment of triumph unlike any other—a vindication of their efforts and a promise of even greater success to come.
However, the euphoria of victory was but a fleeting moment in time, shattered in an instant as chaos descended upon the club, transforming what should have been a moment of jubilation into a scene of mayhem and violence. Barely seconds after clinching victory in the 2023 B Grade grand final, the club's members found themselves thrust into a nightmare scenario that would haunt them for months to come.
Violence erupts immediately after the completion of the B Grade Grand Final between Camrea and Lalor.
As the jubilant celebrations echoed around the ground, a confrontation erupted between a Camrea player and a Lalor player, escalating from heated words to physical threats in the blink of an eye. In a desperate bid to defend himself, the Camrea player instinctively reached for his bat, unleashing a wave of chaos that engulfed the field in a frenzy of punches, kicks, and flying equipment.
Amidst the chaos, the club's members were left reeling, their joyous celebrations giving way to fear and confusion as the brawl spiraled out of control. In the blink of an eye, the euphoria of victory was replaced by a sense of dread and disbelief, as the reality of the situation sank in. As tensions reached a boiling point, the presence of police and paramedics became a grim necessity, their arrival a stark reminder of the severity of the situation.
Amidst the chaos, injuries were sustained, tempers flared, and the once-proud Camrea Cricket Club found itself thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. For the club members, who had worked so tirelessly to achieve their moment of triumph, the events that unfolded were nothing short of heartbreaking. Robbed of the opportunity to savor their victory, they found themselves grappling with a sense of injustice and betrayal, as the actions of a few threatened to tarnish the reputation of the entire club.
In the aftermath of the brawl, the club was left to pick up the pieces, grappling with the fallout of an incident that had marred what should have been a moment of unbridled joy. As the dust settled and the shock began to wear off, the club members were left to ponder the devastating impact of a few moments of madness on their beloved sport and community.
Though their moment of triumph had been tainted by violence and chaos, the spirit of Camrea remained unbroken.
Despite the carnage, it was only in the settling sun that the team were still able to celebrate
with a rare post match photo.

The Aftermath
Chapter 12
The aftermath of the B Grade grand final brawl cast a long shadow over the Camrea Cricket Club, as it found itself at the mercy of a harsh and seemingly unjust decision by the NMCA. In a move that sent shockwaves through the cricketing community, the NMCA announced that there would be no hearing or tribunal to address the events of the brawl, and that their decision would be final—a decision that left the club reeling with a sense of disbelief and betrayal.
For the members of the club, the NMCA's decision seemed like a grave injustice, a denial of their right to due process and a fair hearing. With no opportunity to present their side of the story or defend themselves against the allegations leveled against them, they were left feeling helpless and vulnerable, their voices silenced by the arbitrary dictates of a faceless bureaucracy. Adding insult to injury, the NMCA further compounded their suffering by announcing that both clubs involved in the brawl would be de-registered from the competition for a period of two years, and fined $5,000—a punishment that seemed disproportionate and excessively harsh given the circumstances. For Camrea, whose very survival hinged on their participation in the NMCA competition, the expulsion threatened to spell the end of an era and the demise of a beloved institution.
Led by John Valiotis, the club's steadfast secretary, the members refused to accept the NMCA's decision lying down. With determination and resolve, they demanded a proper hearing and an opportunity to present their case before an impartial tribunal, or at the very least, an explanation as to how the NMCA reached their decision.
Yet, in the face of their pleas for justice, the NMCA remained steadfast in their refusal to engage with the club, ignoring their attempts at communication and rebuffing their every attempt to seek redress.
Appeals to the VMCU and Cricket Victoria also fell on deaf ears.
With no recourse left but to fight for their rights, John Valiotis made the difficult decision to commence legal proceedings in the Magistrates Court, seeking to have the NMCA's decision overturned and the club reinstated into the competition. The heartbreak and despair that enveloped the club in the wake of the NMCA's decision were palpable, as the realization sank in that their future hung in the balance.
With each passing day, the uncertainty gnawed at their collective psyche, threatening to tear apart the very fabric of their community and leaving them grappling with a sense of existential dread.
As the legal battle dragged on, the club found themselves in a state of limbo, unable to play pending the court's decision and grappling with the devastating impact of losing one of their senior men's teams as a result. With each passing matchday, their absence from the field served as a painful reminder of the toll that the NMCA's decision had taken on their beloved club.
Now, all they could do was wait—wait for the court's decision, wait for justice to be served, and wait for the chance to reclaim their rightful place in the cricketing world. For the members, the stakes could not have been higher, as they stood on the brink of losing everything they had worked so hard to achieve.
The Court Decision
Chapter 13
As both parties prepared their cases, and with the court date only days away, a sequence of events that can only be described as perplexing, but not surprising, unfolded in extraordinary circumstances, as the NMCA abruptly reversed course, exonerating Camrea of all charges.
The timing of the NMCA's exoneration, just days before the court date, raised serious questions about their intentions. Why pursue court proceedings in the first place if there was no substantial evidence to support their claims? And why wait until the eleventh hour to retract their allegations?
It was evident that the NMCA's actions were calculated and manipulative, designed to create a false sense of security before executing their true agenda. By exonerating the club, they attempted to avoid public scrutiny and accountability, all while laying the groundwork for their next move.
And while on the surface, this reversal may have seemed like a victory for the club, it had become increasingly apparent that this action was merely a prelude to a more sinister plot. Behind the veil of exoneration laid a web of deceit, orchestrated with the ultimate goal of still removing Camrea from the competition by other means.
In a brazen display of defiance, the NMCA embarked on a campaign of manipulation and coercion, seeking to sway the opinions of the other clubs in the competition. Their tactics were transparent and laughable, a desperate attempt to cling to power and maintain their stranglehold over the competition.
Their first move was to approach the other clubs and ask them to vote on the issue—a move that reeked of bias and manipulation.
Then, only days after their letter of exoneration, and subsequent court hearing, the NMCA issued Camrea with a notice of expulsion. This was ultimately amended to a notice of suspension after a meeting with the club only days prior to the night of the club vote. Yet, despite their best efforts to stack the deck in their favor, the outcome of the vote remained uncertain, leaving the fate of the club hanging in the balance once more.
As the evening of the vote approached, tensions ran high as members braced themselves for the outcome. But even amidst the uncertainty, they remained steadfast in their belief that justice would prevail, clinging to the hope that the other clubs would see through the NMCA's lies and stand on the side of fairness and integrity.
Yet, as the votes were cast and the results tallied, it soon became painfully clear that the NMCA's campaign of misinformation and manipulation had succeeded in swaying the opinions of the other clubs. In a heartbreaking turn of events, the decision to uphold the new charge of a 2-year suspension, rather than expulsion, was carried by a margin of 31 to 9—a devastating blow to the hopes and aspirations of the club and all who had supported them in their fight for justice.
For the members of Camrea, the outcome of the vote was a bitter pill to swallow—a stark reminder of the vulnerability, ignorance, and bias that permeated the cricketing community. But even in the face of defeat, they refused to back down, vowing to continue their fight for justice and stand up against the forces of oppression and injustice that sought to silence them.
As they licked their wounds and regrouped for the battles that lay ahead, the members remained undaunted in their resolve, knowing that their journey was far from over.
Once again, they found themselves forced to take further legal action to challenge the unjust decision of the NMCA and seek redress for the harm done to their club and its members. As the legal battle dragged on, the club was once again barred from participating in the competition, leaving its members in limbo and its future hanging in the balance.
The impact of this ongoing turmoil was profound, taking a toll on the morale and well-being of the entire club. With each passing day, the uncertainty weighed heavily on the hearts and minds of its members, casting a shadow of doubt over the future of the club and its place in the cricketing community.
Once again, the club could do no more other than wait for their day in court.
Justice Prevails
Chapter 14
The Camrea Cricket Club's journey through the legal system was a saga fraught with uncertainty and adversity, but ultimately culminated in a triumph of justice and vindication.
In a landmark victory, the court found in favor of the club, delivering a resounding blow to the NMCA, and vindicating the club's unwavering commitment to fairness and integrity. The ramifications of this decision were profound, not only for Camrea, but for the entire competition.
With the court ruling in their favor, the club was not only reinstated back into the competition but also awarded court costs. This meant that the NMCA was held liable for substantial costs —culminating from proceedings as a result of the first court appearance, and then incurring even further legal costs as a result of the second court proceedings.
A stark reminder of the consequences of their actions and the price of injustice.
The relief and jubilation that swept through the ranks of the club and its supporters were palpable, as months of uncertainty and hardship gave way to a newfound sense of freedom and optimism. For the members and families of the club, who had endured so much for so long, the court's decision was a vindication of their unwavering belief in the principles of fairness and justice.
At the heart of the club's victory was the remarkable commitment of its secretary and barrister, John Valiotis. His tireless advocacy and steadfast determination were instrumental in guiding the club through the legal labyrinth and securing victory against seemingly insurmountable odds. Without his leadership and dedication, the club would have certainly been forced to close its doors forever—a testament to the indispensable role he played in the club's journey to justice.
The court's decision also marked the end of the NMCA's agenda against the club, freeing it to rejoin the competition once again and focus on what truly mattered—cricket. With the specter of injustice finally lifted, the club could now turn its attention to the future and set its sights on a successful campaign in the 2023/2024 season.
Let's Play Cricket
Chapter 15
The club had emerged victorious from a grueling legal battle, leaving the shadows of the past behind and setting its sights on a new, ambitious goal:
an A Grade premiership.
For the members, the desire to achieve A Grade success went far beyond the boundaries of the cricket field. It was a chance to send a powerful message to the competition—a message of defiance and determination, a reminder that no amount of adversity could dampen their spirit or break their resolve. It was also a chance for payback—a chance to exact revenge for the turmoil and injustices that the NMCA had inflicted on the club, and to prove once and for all that they were a force to be reckoned with.
As the season progressed, the club's journey toward the finals series was also a journey of mental and emotional fortitude—a journey of healing and redemption. With each victory on the field, the club grew stronger and more determined, fueled by a burning desire to prove themselves against the best the competition had to offer. But it was not just about winning matches—it was about laying the groundwork for something greater, about building a foundation of success that would carry them through to their ultimate goal.
As the finals series drew nearer, the club found themselves on the brink of achieving something truly extraordinary. With their sights set firmly on the A Grade premiership, they knew that the road ahead would be long and arduous, but they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way with courage and determination.
For the members, the prospect of reaching the finals series was more than just a dream—it was a chance to rewrite the narrative of their club's history, to turn the page on a chapter marked by hardship and injustice, and to emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. And as they took to the field for each match, they did so with a sense of purpose and determination, knowing that they were fighting not just for themselves, but for the legacy of all those who had come before them.
The Season in a Snapshot
Chapter 16
In the face of adversity, the Camrea Cricket Club family demonstrated a remarkable resilience and unity that defined their strength as a community.
One shining example of the club's resilience was their annual Christmas event. Despite the trials and tribulations, they had endured throughout the year, the Camrea family came together to organize and host an incredibly successful Christmas celebration. With members pitching in to decorate, cook, and entertain, the event was a testament to the club's spirit of camaraderie and unity. It provided a much-needed opportunity for the community to come together, share in the joy of the holiday season, and reaffirm their bonds of friendship and fellowship.
Similarly, so it was with the club's Super Draw Sunday event. Despite the challenges they faced, the club pulled together to organize and execute a highly successful fundraiser. With members volunteering their time and resources, the event was a resounding success, raising much-needed funds for the club and showcasing the strength of their community spirit.
Christmas Party, December 2023
Camrea family (2024)
Kids Jumping Castle
Mira is all smiles 😃
Throughout their struggles, the people of Camrea rallied around the club, offering their unwavering support and encouragement. From local businesses donating prizes for raffles to community members volunteering their time and expertise, the outpouring of support was both heartwarming and inspiring.
Even as the challenges persisted, the people of Camrea continued to support each other until the very end. Whether it was attending matches to cheer on the club, or lending a helping hand at community events, the spirit of camaraderie and unity was alive and well in Camrea. It was this sense of togetherness that enabled the club to weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever before.
The Finals
Chapter 17
The Camrea Cricket Club's focus on their A Grade team making the finals was palpable throughout the season. Every match, every training session was geared towards achieving that goal—a chance to rewrite the narrative of their club's history and claim victory on the highest stage. However, in a twist of fate, the unexpected happened in the last game of the home and away season when the 2nd XI team surprised everyone by clinching a spot in the finals—an incredible achievement.
With the A Grade team also securing their spot in the finals, the club achieved a truly remarkable milestone—having both their senior men's teams make it into the finals series. It was a moment of pride and joy for the entire club, a testament to the talent and dedication of their players and the hard work of their coaching staff.
As it celebrated this historic achievement, it also took a moment to acknowledge the success of their women's team. Although they had narrowly missed out on making the finals, the fact that the club was able to field a women's side at all was a testament to the efforts of all those involved. It was a sign of progress and inclusivity, a reflection of the club's commitment to providing opportunities for players of all genders and skill levels.
The success of the club's senior men's and women's teams was a testament to the strength and resilience of the entire club. It was a moment of validation for all the hard work and dedication that had gone into building and nurturing the club over the years—a reminder that together, they could achieve greatness. And together with their Under 14 squad of talented young cricketers, the future of the club had never looked better.
As they prepared to face their opponents in the finals, the members were filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but they were ready to face whatever obstacles came their way with courage and determination.
For them, the opportunity to compete on the grandest stage of all was a dream come true—a chance to showcase their talent, passion, and love for the game of cricket.
As they took to the field for the finals series, the members did so with their heads held high and their hearts full of hope. They knew that win or lose; they had already achieved something truly special—a moment in the spotlight that would be remembered for years to come.
History Beckons
Chapter 18
The first finals match was a momentous occasion filled with both triumph and disappointment. Despite their best efforts, the 2nd XI team fell short against a formidable Keon Park side. However, their resilience and determination throughout the match were evident, as they fought tooth and nail until the very end.
Meanwhile, the first XI team delivered a triumphant victory in their finals match against Keon Park Cricket Club. With an astonishing performance, they amassed a formidable total of 3/380, showcasing their prowess with both bat and ball. Captain Blair Dawson led by example, delivering a masterful performance that inspired his teammates and set the tone for the match. Nikhil Pottabathini and Avindu Fernando also contributed significantly, showcasing their talent and skill on the field.
The victory against Keon Park Cricket Club was a moment of celebration for the club, as they advanced to the preliminary final against the competition powerhouse, Rivergum. This match represented a significant milestone for the club, bringing them one step closer to cricket immortality. With their eyes set on the ultimate prize, the players and coaching staff were determined to leave everything on the field and seize their moment of glory.
Elimination Final - Camrea C.C. v Keon Park C.C. - Match Results
As they prepared for the preliminary final against Rivergum, the club was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. They knew that the match would be their toughest challenge yet, but they were ready to rise to the occasion and give it their all. With the support of their loyal fans and the camaraderie of their teammates, they were determined to write their names into the history books.
The preliminary final against Rivergum represented the culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. It was a chance to prove themselves against the best in the competition and showcase their talent and skill on the biggest stage.
As the day of the preliminary final arrived, the club was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement. They knew that they were facing a formidable opponent in Rivergum, but they were undeterred by the challenge ahead. With the support of their loyal fans and the determination of their players, they were ready to give it their all and make their mark.
Preliminary Final
Chapter 19
The club's incredible journey reached its zenith in the preliminary final against Rivergum—an unforgettable match that will forever be remembered.
With the stakes at their highest and the pressure mounting, the club delivered a performance for the ages, led by the astonishing bowling performances of Saman Muthuwadige and Roshen Fernando, who delivered match-winning figures of 5/30 and 5/20, respectively. Their heroics propelled the club to a resounding victory, securing their place in the A Grade Grand Final and cementing their status as true champions.
For Camrea, the preliminary final against Rivergum represented the culmination of a season filled with trials and tribulations. From the turmoil and injustices they had endured earlier in the year to the highs and lows of the finals campaign, they had overcome every obstacle in their path with courage, determination, and unwavering belief. Now, on the doorstep of achieving what most thought was impossible only a few months earlier, they stood united as a team, ready to seize their moment of glory.
From the outset, it was clear that the team meant business, as they took the field with a sense of purpose and determination that was palpable. Led by their inspirational captain and supported by a team of talented and committed players, they approached the match with confidence and belief in their abilities.
As the match unfolded, it was the bowlers who emerged as the heroes, as they produced a masterful display of skill and precision to dismantle the Rivergum batting lineup.
With each wicket that fell, they grew in confidence, knowing that victory was within their grasp. The fielding was sharp, the bowling relentless, and the camaraderie palpable as they closed in on their goal. And when the final wicket fell, sealing their place in the A Grade Grand Final, the scenes of jubilation and celebration that followed were a testament to the club's unwavering spirit and resilience.
For the members, the victory in the preliminary final against Rivergum was more than just a triumph on the cricket field—it was a symbol of their indomitable will and determination to succeed against all odds. It was a moment of vindication for all the hardships they had endured throughout the season, a validation of their belief in themselves and each other.
As they looked ahead to the A Grade Grand Final, the club knew that they were on the brink of achieving something truly special. This could be one of the greatest sports stories ever told—a tale of redemption, resilience, and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve greatness. And as they prepared to take to the field for one final showdown, they did so with the knowledge that they had already achieved the impossible, and that everything else was possible with courage, determination, and unwavering belief.
Captain Blair Dawson & Vice-Captain Rahul Khurana prepare their team for the Preliminary Final against Rivergum.
Blair and Nikhil prepare to face the Rivergum attack.
Whilst coach 'Daisy' and club legend 'Felix' contemplate the game ahead.
The Great Camrea Cricket Club
Chapter 20
The history of the Camrea Cricket Club is a rich tapestry woven with the threads of passion, dedication, and a deep love for the game of cricket. Founded in 1931, the club has a storied past that spans decades and encompasses countless triumphs, challenges, and unforgettable moments on the cricket field.
The origins of the club can be traced back to a group of cricket enthusiasts who shared a common vision—to establish a club where players of all ages and backgrounds could come together to enjoy the game they loved. With this shared goal in mind, they laid the foundation for what would soon become one of the most respected and beloved cricket clubs in the region.
In its early years, the club faced its fair share of challenges as it sought to establish itself within the local cricketing community. Limited resources, lack of facilities, and fierce competition from established clubs posed significant obstacles, but the club's founders remained undeterred in their determination to succeed.
Despite the challenges they faced, the members worked tirelessly to build a strong and vibrant cricketing community. They organized matches, hosted events, and recruited players from all walks of life, fostering a culture of inclusivity and camaraderie that would become the hallmark of the club.
Over the years, Camrea has grown from strength to strength, evolving into a powerhouse of local cricketing talent and a force to be reckoned with on the field. With each passing season, the club has continued to achieve success, winning premierships, producing talented players, and earning the respect of their peers within the cricketing fraternity.
Camrea holds a special place in the hearts of those who have had the privilege of playing for it. There is something about the club that stays with you forever—an intangible quality that transcends the game of cricket and leaves a lasting impression on all who pass through its doors. It's a sense of camaraderie, a spirit of unity, and a deep-rooted love for the game that binds players together in a way that is truly unique.
One of the most illustrious chapters in the history of Camrea was undoubtedly the powerhouse years between 1998 and 2008 (as Camrea Cricket Club & Camrea Taipans Cricket Club)—a decade of dominance that saw the club rise to the very top of the NMCA ladder. During this period, the club enjoyed unprecedented success, winning five A Grade premierships and countless other premierships and awards along the way. (Over its history, the club has won an astonishing 25 premierships. A truly remarkable achievement).
The club was regarded as one of the biggest and most formidable clubs in the competition, boasting a formidable lineup of players and a strong presence both on and off the field. At its peak, the club fielded an impressive eleven teams, with over 120 playing members proudly donning the club's colors and representing it with distinction.
But more than just the trophies and accolades, it was the sense of camaraderie and unity that defined the powerhouse years. Players forged lifelong friendships, shared unforgettable moments, and formed bonds that would endure long after their playing days were over. Whether it was celebrating victories on the field or sharing a drink at the clubrooms after a hard-fought match, the sense of belonging and camaraderie was palpable, and it was this sense of unity that set the club apart from the rest.
As the years have passed, the legacy of the powerhouse years continues to live on, inspiring generations of players to follow in their footsteps and uphold the club's proud traditions. While the landscape of cricket may have changed since those glory days, the spirit and ethos of the club remain as strong as ever, being led by club legends like Danny Pougios.
For those who have had the privilege of playing for the Camrea Cricket Club, the memories and experiences will stay with them forever, serving as a constant reminder of the special bond that unites them as part of the Camrea family. It's a bond that transcends time and distance, and it's what makes playing for the club such a unique and unforgettable experience—a privilege that few are fortunate enough to experience, but one that leaves an indelible mark on all who do.
As the club looks to the future, they do so with a sense of pride in their past achievements and a renewed sense of purpose for the challenges that lie ahead. With a new generation of players ready to carry on the club's legacy, the future looks bright for this venerable institution, as it continues to inspire and delight for generations to come.
The Grand Final
Chapter 21
The 2023/2024 NMCA A Grade Grand Final was a momentous occasion for the Camrea Cricket Club, filled with anticipation, excitement, and the promise of victory.
As the club entered the game with momentum on their side, most pundits predicted that they would emerge triumphant against a formidable Holy Trinity Cricket Club outfit. After everything that had transpired throughout the season, the club and its supporters could sense the opposition from the remainder of the competition, and they knew that a win would be the final slap in the face for their detractors.
For Camrea, the grand final represented the culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and determination. It was a chance to prove themselves on the biggest stage and to showcase their talent and skill against the reigning premiers, and one of the best teams in the competition. With the weight of expectation on their shoulders, the players were determined to leave everything on the field and to bring home the coveted A Grade premiership.
Winning the toss can often make or break a team's chances of victory. It's a moment of anticipation and tension, as captains anxiously await the flip of the coin that will determine their fate on the field. For Blair Dawson, captain of the club, the toss in the 2023/2024 NMCA A Grade Grand Final was a pivotal moment that would set the tone for the match ahead. Unfortunately for Blair and his team, luck was not on their side as they lost the toss, immediately putting their prospects of winning the match on the back foot. It was a blow to their hopes of victory, as winning the toss and batting first historically almost secures a team's chances of winning in a grand final. The pressure was now on to defy the odds and overcome the disadvantage of chasing runs.
The significance of winning the toss in a grand final cannot be overstated. Batting first allows a team to set a target for their opponents to chase, putting pressure on them from the outset. It also gives the batting side the opportunity to control the tempo of the game, building partnerships and accumulating runs without the added pressure of a looming target. On the other hand, chasing runs can be a daunting task, with the pressure of the scoreboard weighing heavily on the minds of the batsmen.
For Blair and his team, losing the toss meant that they would have to dig deep and find a way to overcome the odds stacked against them. It was a daunting prospect, but one that they were determined to rise to. As they took to the field, they knew that they would need to deliver a flawless performance if they were to have any chance of victory.
As the match progressed, it became clear that the loss of the toss had indeed put the club on the back foot. The Holy Trinity Cricket Club got off to a reasonable start, putting the Camrea bowlers under pressure from the outset. And although Camrea picked up a couple of early wickets, a large partnership of over 100 runs led to a growing confidence for the opposition. Despite their best efforts, Camrea struggled to contain the opposition, with the target growing larger with each passing over.
As Camrea took to the crease to chase down the imposing total of 239 set by Holy Trinity, the pressure was palpable. The weight of expectation hung heavy in the air as the batsmen attempted to navigate their way through a formidable bowling attack. But despite their best efforts, they found themselves struggling to keep up with the required run rate, with wickets falling at regular intervals.
In the end, and despite a valiant effort, they ultimately fell short of their target, with Holy Trinity emerging victorious and claiming the A Grade Premiership. It was a bitter pill to swallow for Blair and his team, who had fought bravely against the odds but ultimately came up short.
As they reflected on the match, the members knew that they had given it their all. While they may not have emerged victorious on this occasion, they knew that they had left everything on the field and could hold their heads high in defeat.
Camrea Cricket Club 1st X1 - Runners Up - NMCA Jika Shield 2023/2024
What a Year!
Chapter 22
The journey of the Camrea Cricket Club since re-joining the NMCA back in 2016 has been filled with trials, tribulations, and ultimately, triumph. The club has faced a barrage of challenges, including hate, accusations, and rumors that have often threatened to derail them. Yet, despite the adversity they faced, the club rose above it all, displaying resilience, unity, and a steely determination to succeed against all odds.
The 2023/2024 season started with high hopes and lofty aspirations. With a talented roster of players and a strong sense of camaraderie within the team, they were confident of making an impact in the NMCA A Grade competition. However, their optimism soon gave way to frustration and disappointment as they found themselves embroiled in controversy and conflict from the outset.
The hate, accusations, and rumors that plagued the club throughout the season were a constant source of frustration and distraction for the players and coaching staff. From baseless allegations of misconduct to malicious rumors spread by rival teams and supporters, the club found itself under siege from all sides.
John Valiotis no doubt emerged as the hero during the tumultuous 2023/2024 season. He was a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Without his unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, the club would have no doubt faced the very real prospect of closure, forced to shut its doors forever. As both club secretary and barrister, John played a pivotal role in navigating the club through the stormy waters of controversy and uncertainty, single-handedly saving it from extinction.
Throughout the season, John dedicated countless hours of his time and poured his own money into ensuring the survival of the club. As club secretary, he worked tirelessly behind the scenes, handling the day-to-day operations and administrative tasks with precision and dedication. From organizing matches and events to liaising with players, coaches, and league officials, John's commitment to the club was unwavering, even in the face of mounting pressure and adversity.
But it was not just in his role as club secretary that John made a difference—it was also as a professional barrister that he truly proved his worth to the club. Armed with his legal expertise and keen strategic mind, John navigated the club through the complex legal challenges and disputes that threatened to tear it apart. From defending the club against baseless accusations to challenging unfair decisions and rulings, John fought tooth and nail to protect the interests of the Camrea Cricket Club and its members.
It was John's tireless advocacy and steadfast determination that ultimately saved the club from extinction. His legal expertise and unwavering commitment to the cause allowed the club to weather the storm and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. Without his leadership and guidance, the Camrea Cricket Club would have never gone on to achieve the remarkable success that they did.
For the members, John Valiotis is nothing short of a hero—a true champion of the club and its values. His selfless dedication and unwavering commitment to the cause have earned him the admiration and gratitude of all who know him, and the club owes him a debt of gratitude that can never be fully repaid.
John Valiotis
Club Secretary & Barrister
But while the club may never be able to reward John for his extraordinary contributions, they were determined to find some way to honor his legacy and express their gratitude for all that he has done.
It's Finally Over
Chapter 23
The Camrea Cricket Club presentation night was a momentous occasion filled with emotion, pride, and celebration as the club came together to honor one of its own—John Valiotis. With a full attendance and an atmosphere buzzing with excitement, the night promised to be one to remember, a fitting tribute to the man who had played such an integral role in ensuring the survival of the club.
As the evening unfolded, there was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air as club members and supporters gathered to celebrate the achievements of the past season and to look ahead to the future. The room was alive with laughter and conversation as old friends reunited and new friendships were forged.
But amidst the joy and camaraderie, there was a sense of reverence and gratitude as the club prepared to honor John Valiotis with Life membership—an accolade reserved for those who have made an indelible mark on the club and its community. For John and his family, it was a moment of profound significance—a recognition of his tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to the club's cause.
Club President, Danny Pougios, fights off tears as he prepares to present John Valiotis with Life Membership
As Danny Pougios, the president took to the stage to deliver the keynote address, there was a hush that fell over the room as all eyes turned to John Valiotis. With heartfelt words of praise and gratitude, and with tears in his eyes, the president spoke of John's extraordinary contributions to the club and the pivotal role he had played in ensuring its survival.
For John, the honor of receiving Life membership was a deeply humbling and emotional moment—one that he would cherish for the rest of his days. As he stood before his wife, daughter, friends, and fellow club members, he was overcome with gratitude and pride, knowing that his efforts had made a real and lasting difference to the club he loved so dearly.
But the night was not just about honoring one man—it was also about celebrating the collective achievements of the Camrea Cricket Club and looking ahead to the future with hope and optimism. As the presentations continued and awards were handed out to players, there was a sense of excitement and anticipation for the season ahead.
The presentation night was a magnificent celebration of all that the club stood for. And as the evening ended, there was a feeling of unity and purpose among the club members, united by their shared passion for cricket and their unwavering commitment. As they bid farewell to another successful season and looked ahead to the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, they did so with a renewed sense of determination and optimism, knowing that together, they could achieve anything.
Chris Sismanes and Grant Turnbull present Blair Dawson with the Sismanes/Turnbull Medal for Club Champion. Pino Pulcino presents Enis Mustafa with the Harry Marsden/Raimo Bralitis Memorial Best Clubman Award.
The Final Chapter
Chapter 24
After a year fraught with trials and tribulations, the future of the Camrea Cricket Club hangs in the balance. Unjustly treated by an association that seemed determined to oust them from the competition, the club finds itself at a crossroads. However, amidst the uncertainty, there lies the opportunity for resilience, growth, and a renewed sense of purpose.
To secure its future for the long term, the club must first and foremost rally its members and supporters. Unity in the face of adversity will be their greatest strength. Together, they can leverage their collective voice to address the injustices they have faced and advocate for fair treatment from the association.
In addition to unity, the club must also focus on fostering talent and developing its players. Investing in youth programs and coaching initiatives will not only strengthen the team on the field but also ensure a pipeline of talent for years to come. By nurturing a culture of continuous improvement and dedication to the sport, the club can elevate its standing within the cricketing community.
Furthermore, it must explore opportunities for strategic partnerships and sponsorships. Collaborating with local businesses, community organizations, and cricketing bodies can provide much-needed financial support and exposure. Building a network of supporters and stakeholders will not only bolster the club's resources but also increase its visibility and influence within the association.
Moreover, the club should prioritize transparency and accountability in its operations. By upholding high standards of governance and ethical conduct, the club can earn the trust and respect of its members, sponsors, and the wider community. Clear communication channels and regular updates will ensure that everyone is informed and involved in the club's decision-making processes.
It must never lose sight of its core values and identity. Amidst the challenges and pressures of competition, it is essential to remain true to the spirit of the game and the principles that define the club. Integrity, sportsmanship, camaraderie, and a policy of zero-tolerance should guide every action and decision, serving as the foundation for a sustainable and successful future.
It must never neglect its history. The club's legacy is woven from the threads of its past; it's the foundation upon which its present and future stand.
To overlook or neglect this history is to risk losing sight of the essence that defines its identity.
Thus, maintaining open lines of communication with past members is paramount. Their experiences, contributions, and perspectives are invaluable resources that can enrich the club's journey forward. By embracing its past, a club not only honors its roots but also fosters a sense of continuity, unity, and shared purpose among its members, both past and present.
The Camrea Cricket Club sits proudly at the top of the tree as one of the most successful clubs in the NMCA.
It has seen many of the competitions greatest players achieve their greatest successes playing for it.
It has produced arguably four of the greatest cricketers to ever play in the NMCA. Players like Alex Jesensek, Grant Turnbull, Danny Pougios, & Jason McGann have all made incredible contributions to the competition, and have rightfully earned the highest accolades, praise and respect from their peers.
Alex Jesensek Grant Turnbull Danny Pougios Jason McGann
Over the past eight years the club has navigated a tumultuous journey marked by challenges that would have tested the resolve of any other club, and in any other competition. Yet, against all odds, it has not only endured but thrived.
Perhaps it is this indomitable spirit, this refusal to give up in the face of insurmountable odds, that has propelled the club to success time and time again. While others may falter or lose hope, the members of the club persevere, fueled by a sense of purpose and determination that transcends the challenges they face.
Indeed, the secret to the club's success for many may be simple in that it has been blessed to find a core group of custodians who have spent their lives protecting their club. Their commitment is not bound by the constraints of time or circumstance. No matter the challenges that may arise, they stand as a formidable fortress, shielding the club from harm's way. Their pledge is simple yet profound: to protect and ensure that the club lives long into the future.
So let us hold fast to the hope that this great club will continue to grace cricket fields and hearts alike for generations to come. May its legacy endure, its spirit thrive, and its presence be felt far and wide, reminding us all of the enduring power of sport to unite, uplift, and inspire.
Is Camrea the best club ever?
The debate over whether the Camrea Cricket Club is the best ever is one that sparks passionate discussions among cricket enthusiasts.
In the end, whether it is deemed the best ever is a subjective matter open to interpretation. However, one undeniable truth remains: its record and history are unparalleled, standing as a testament to its enduring legacy and undeniable impact on the competition.
Regardless of personal opinions or biases, the club's achievements speak for themselves, cementing its place in NMCA history as one of the greatest of all time.
Author Biography
As the author of this short story, Chris Sismanes reflects on his 53-year journey with the Camrea Cricket Club with a profound sense of pride and gratitude. From his humble beginnings as an 11-year-old, to his illustrious career as a five-time Club Champion, former President, Secretary, and Club Captain, Chris has been an integral part of the Camrea Cricket Club's rich history and legacy.
Throughout his tenure with the club, Chris has witnessed firsthand the highs and lows, the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped its identity and character. From the powerhouse years of dominance in the late 1990s and 2000s to the challenges and controversies of recent times, Chris has remained steadfast in his commitment to the club and its values.
For Chris, writing this short story was not just a labor of love—it was a way of paying tribute to the countless individuals who have worked tirelessly alongside him to bring the Camrea name back to where it belongs. From Nuccio Amoddio to Danny Pougios, from John Deighton (may he rest in peace) to Grant Turnbull, from Pino Pulcino to Bobi Nikolovski, from Mark Brennan to Rahul Khurana, and Jeff Dawson, and from Andy Mallett to Gabriel Sebeh, Chris acknowledges the contributions of each and every one of his fellow club members who have played a part in the club's resurgence.
But beyond honoring his comrades-in-arms, Chris hopes that this story will serve as a source of inspiration and joy for the entire Camrea family. Through the highs and lows, the victories and defeats, the club has remained a beacon of resilience, unity, and camaraderie, and Chris believes that its story deserves to be told and celebrated.
As he looks back on his 53-year journey with the club, Chris is filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the memories, the friendships, and the shared experiences that have shaped his life. And as he bids farewell to this chapter of his life, he does so with a heart full of pride and a deep appreciation for the club that will always hold a special place in his heart—the Camrea Cricket Club.
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